Volume -I , Issue -II, December 2013

Erosion Control of Embankment Using Paddy Straw

Author(s) :

Mr. Sudhanshu Pathak, Prof. Smita Pataskar


Soil erosion is the process of wearing away of land surface by the action of natural agencies as water and wind. The main causes of erosion are by the action of water and wind. Research is conducted worldwide on erosion control and use of various natural materials such as jute, coir, paddy straw etc. Paddy straw is considered to be less popular material for use as soil erosion control as compared to natural material like Jute,coir which have ability to convert into fibers. These materials are used conventionally by dry spreading in the field, mulching, bales and wattles. Apart from these popular methods there is no standard procedure and validation for these material. Paddy straw is used to form geomesh and used for slope erosion protection. Experiments are carried out on paddy straw keeping constant factors such as rainfall intensity, rain drop size and height of fall of rain. Soil erosion is observed which is in terms of sediment weight. Similar experiments are also carried on bare soil and results are compared.


Soil erosion, paddy straw, rainfall simulator

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  4. Ashley Covert and Peter Jordan, (2009) “A Portable Rainfall Simulator: Techniques for Understanding the Effects of Rainfall on Soil Erodibility”.Vol. 13/No. 1.
  5. Claudia Sanguesa, Jose Arumi, Roberto Pizarro, Oscar Link,“A rainfall simulator for the in situstudy of superficial runoff and soil erosion”. Chilean j. agric. vol. 70 nº 1 – 2010
How to Cite this Paper? [APA Style]
Mr. Sudhanshu Pathak, Prof. Smita Pataskar, (2013), Erosion Control of Embankment Using Paddy Straw, Industrial Science Journal, http://industrialscience.org/Article.aspx?aid=11&vid=2, (December, 2013)
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