Volume -I , Issue -VI, August 2014


Author(s) :

Rashmi Wable , Suhas Raut


Graphical authentication technology till now is made for Desktop applications here in this paper have taken effort to make it for the android application. The two techniques cued click point and persuasive click point having their own advantages and disadvantages so have tried to make the third technique which will help to overcome from these disadvantages. Here is taken an effort to increase its complexity and to increase its security. Pictures are generally easier to be remembered or recognized than text, especially photos, which are even easier to be remembered than random pictures. This paper consist review of making the third combining technique of these two techniques together. This will surely make the system more safe and secure.


Android mobile system, Graphical password.

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How to Cite this Paper? [APA Style]
Rashmi Wable , Suhas Raut, (2014), ANDROID MOBILE APPLICATION USING NEWLY INVENTED GRAPHICAL PASSWORD TECHNIQUE, Industrial Science Journal, http://industrialscience.org/Article.aspx?aid=51&vid=6, (August, 2014)
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