Volume -I , Issue -VII, October 2014


Author(s) :

Abdullah Albadran


This paper deals with the discussion of the effective implementation of ISO 9000 in various organizational structures. The entire discussion on the topic is divided into two sections, the first section deals with the factors requiring the implementation of ISO 9000 and its positives and negatives, whereas the second section deals with the manner in which ISO 9000 certification is acquired, and the factors affecting the performance of ISO 9000 as experienced by different entities of the world. The entire discussion of this paper is summarized in the form of tables, which makes the information regarding the topic more useful for the researchers for their future works on the similar topic; moreover, it helps entities in understanding ISO 9000 while implementing it.


ISO 9000, Review, Implementation.

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How to Cite this Paper? [APA Style]
Abdullah Albadran, (2014), REVIEW OF ISO 9000 EFFECTIVE IMPLEMENTATION IN VARIOUS ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURES, Industrial Science Journal, http://industrialscience.org/Article.aspx?aid=55&vid=7, (October, 2014)
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