Volume -I , Issue -VII, October 2014


Author(s) :

Andrea Noreen Dsilva , Nagalakshmi S. Shagouftataskeen


A botnet is a group of compromised computers, which are remotely controlled by hackers to launch various network attacks, such as DDoS attack and information phishing.Botnet is a hybrid of previous threats integratedwith a command and control system and hundreds of millions of computers are infected. Attackers, in particular botnet controllers, use stealthy messaging systems to set up large-scale command and control. To systematically understand the potential capability of attackers, we investigate the feasibility of using domain name service (DNS) as a stealthy botnet command-and-control channel. We describe and quantitatively analyze several techniques that can be used to effectively hide malicious DNS activities at the network level.


Command , Control Channel , Domain Name System (DNS).

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How to Cite this Paper? [APA Style]
Andrea Noreen Dsilva , Nagalakshmi S. Shagouftataskeen, (2014), COMMAND AND CONTROL CHANNEL USING DNS, Industrial Science Journal, http://industrialscience.org/Article.aspx?aid=59&vid=7, (October, 2014)
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