Volume -II , Issue -III, February 2016


Author(s) :

Uday Gobbur , Suhas Raut


Textual passwords are the most common methods used for authentication. But textual Passwords are vulnerable to eves dropping, dictionary attacks, social engineering and shoulder surfing. Graphical passwords are introduced as alternative techniques to textual passwords. Most of the graphical schemes are vulnerable to shoulder surfing. To address this problem, To start with user login with permanent password and then text can be combined with images or colors to generate session passwords for authentication. Session passwords can be used only once and every time a new password is generated. In this paper, two techniques are proposed to generate session passwords using text and colors which are resistant to shoulder surfing. These methods are suitable for Personal Digital Assistants.


Authentication, session passwords, Circular password scheme

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How to Cite this Paper? [APA Style]
Uday Gobbur , Suhas Raut, (2016), COMPARATIVE STUDY ABOUT PASSWORD AUTHENTICATION SCHEMES FOR DATA SECURITY, Industrial Science Journal, http://industrialscience.org/Article.aspx?aid=90&vid=15, (February, 2016)
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