Volume -I , Issue -V, June 2014


Author(s) :

B.China Brahmaiah, Dr. M.V. Mallikarjun


In current market, drive shaft is the most important component to any power transmission application; automotive drive Shaft is one of this. A drive shaft, also known as a propeller shaft or Cardan shaft, it is a mechanical part that transmits the torque generated by a vehicle's engine into usable motive force to propel the vehicle. Physically, it is tubular in design, with an outside and inside diameter, which spins at a frequency governed by engine output. Drive shaft must operate in high and low power transmission of the fluctuating load. Due this fluctuating load it becomes fail and tends to stop power transmission. Thus it is important to make and design this shaft as per load requirement to avoid failure. Now a day's two pieces steel shaft are mostly used as a drive shaft.


Structural Design , Composite Drive , Rear-wheel ,drive Engine

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How to Cite this Paper? [APA Style]
B.China Brahmaiah, Dr. M.V. Mallikarjun, (2014), STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF COMPOSITE DRIVE SHAFT FOR REAR-WHEEL DRIVE ENGINE, Industrial Science Journal, http://industrialscience.org/Article.aspx?aid=38&vid=5, (June, 2014)
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