Volume -I , Issue -I, October 2013


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Several studies were made on linear arrays with equal and unequal spacing. But, unequal spaced arrays are found to exhibit some interesting characteristics which an equally spaced array cannot offer. However, with the use of unequal spacing, sidelobe level can be reduced to some extent provided that the total number of elements is greater than a certain number and the average spacing is approximately equal to or less than a half-wave length. In this paper, the radiation patterns of linear arrays are numerically simulated using random approach thinning. Thinning is a method by which the total number of active elements in a linear antenna array is reduced without causing major degradation in system performance. The present work is found to be useful in cost reduction while meeting some of the desired radiation characteristics.


Linear arrays, thinning, radiation patterns, side

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How to Cite this Paper? [APA Style]
K. KUMAR NAIK, (2013), RANDOM APPROACH THINNING ON SUM AND DIFFERENCE PATTERNS OF LINEAR ARRAYS, Industrial Science Journal, http://industrialscience.org/Article.aspx?aid=4&vid=1, (October, 2013)
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