Volume -I , Issue -I, October 2013


Author(s) :

M.B. CHOUGULEv>abortion pill online purchase


Human exposure to waste water discharged into the environment has increased in the last fifteen to twenty years with the rise in population and the greater demand for water resources for recreation and other purposes. Waste water is disinfected to prevent the transmission of infectious diseases and to ensure that water is safe for human contact and the environment. Waste water reclamation has become a viable alternative to supplement water supplies in water short areas. Waste water reclamation is the treatment of waste water up to standards that make it reusable, and water reuse is the use of reclaimed waste water. Industrial processes can use non-potable water for cooling, energy production, and rinsing, as well as for tasks specific to particular types of production. Disinfection in water reuse applications is accomplished most commonly by the use of chemical agents and irradiation. This paper focuses on various methods of disinfection which can be used for disinfection of water and especially of treated waste water.


Disinfection methods, Pathogen, Recycled wastewater, Textile wet Processing

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  17. The wiki You can use the wiki to find answers to common problems.
  18. Network Configuration Guide
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How to Cite this Paper? [APA Style]
M.B. CHOUGULEv>abortion pill online purchase , (2013), DIAGNOSTIC STUDY OF VARIOUS DISINFECTION TECHNIQUES FOR RECYCLED WASTE WATER USED IN TEXTILE WET PROCESSING, Industrial Science Journal, http://industrialscience.org/Article.aspx?aid=5&vid=1, (October, 2013)
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