Volume -I , Issue -X, April 2015


Author(s) :

Ghewari Mrinalini Umesh , S. S. Tamboli


Providing various wireless connectivity for vehicles enable the communication between vehicles and their internal and external environments. Such a connected vehicle solution is expected to be the next frontier for automotive revolution and the key to the evolution to next generation Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). With the dramatic increase of modern economical and technical development Intelligent Transport System today has become more and more important and essential.Mobility models play a vital role in the evaluation of Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs). In this paper we focus on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Intra vehicle connectivity, Inter vehicle connectivity and urban mobility models.


Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS),Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs).

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How to Cite this Paper? [APA Style]
Ghewari Mrinalini Umesh , S. S. Tamboli, (2015), INTELLIGENT TRANSPORT SYSTEM (ITS)-SURVEY, Industrial Science Journal, http://industrialscience.org/Article.aspx?aid=69&vid=10, (April, 2015)
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