Volume -I , Issue -XI, June 2015


Author(s) :

Soni Kamuni , Suhas Raut


The primary problem in mobile search is that the interactions among the users and search engines are limited by the small screen of the mobile devices. To give more relevant results to the users, search engines must able to create a user’s profile, including interests and personalizing the search results according to the user profiles. The proposed personalized mobile search engine is an innovative approach to personalize search query and corresponding search results. The Proposed system takes the help of Google’s GPS service to detect user location and location-content mining concept to personalize the search query as per query type. And also uses the user profile and user interest to modify the user query close to user personal approach to find anything on the internet. Proposed system uses Google, yahoo and Bing search engine’s API’s to search out the personalized query which returns search results.


mobile search engine, personalization, privacy setting, click through data.

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How to Cite this Paper? [APA Style]
Soni Kamuni , Suhas Raut, (2015), ANDROID MOBILE SEARCH ENGINE WITH USER PERSONALIZATION, Industrial Science Journal, http://industrialscience.org/Article.aspx?aid=72&vid=11, (June, 2015)
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