Volume -I , Issue -XI, June 2015


Author(s) :

Ashokkumar V. Paled


The Indian subcontinent shares, with Mesopotamia and the Nile valley civilization history of urbanization. The first phase of urbanization in the Indus valley is associated with the Harappan civilization dating back to 2350 BC. The cities of the civilization flourished over a period of more than 600 years up to about 1700 BC and this was followed by a prolonged period of over a thousand years in which we have no evidence of urban development. From around 600BC, we again come across towns and cities associated with the two major, but closely related, cultural streams of India, namely the Aryan civilization of the North and the Dravidian civilization of the South. From this period onwards, for about 2500 years, India has had a more or less continuous history of urbanization.


Urbanization Process , Aryan civilization , Dravidian civilization , Indian urbanization.

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How to Cite this Paper? [APA Style]
Ashokkumar V. Paled, (2015), URBANIZATION PROCESS IN INDIA, Industrial Science Journal, http://industrialscience.org/Article.aspx?aid=73&vid=11, (June, 2015)
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