Volume -I , Issue -VI, August 2014


Author(s) :

Antonio Siviero , Elias Ferreira de Souza


It Born in the imagination of a venturer in Rolim de Moura the idea of a small company, the Factory of Popcorn Capixaba, which starts its activities with enthusiasm and grapple, but with little capital and without experience in the industry. The need to establish themselves in the market, conquer space makes to seek ways to increase profits, an alternative would be to increase sales, but without the capacity of immediate investment and its machinery working in limit. The output was to increase the profit of what has already been produced and even without the theoretical knowledge required or the possibility of hiring expert advice as happens in large companies, the way to achieve this end was the fight against waste during the various stages of production, seeking solutions adapted to the realities and conditions of the Company. It was used to search the type case study, together with the productive process, observation, data collection and analysis that in interaction with the theory showed the evolution of the process. The conclusion of this research showed the importance of looking for continuous improvement, the reduction of various types of waste was reflected in the reduction of costs and consequently the increase in profits.


continuous Improvement, Reduction of waste, Production Process.

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How to Cite this Paper? [APA Style]
Antonio Siviero , Elias Ferreira de Souza, (2014), A CASE OF STUDY ABOUT THE REDUCTION OF WASTE IN CAPIXABA FACTORY OF POPCORN, CACOAL – STATE OF RONDÔNIA (Brazil), Industrial Science Journal, http://industrialscience.org/Article.aspx?aid=52&vid=6, (August, 2014)
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